Video is quickly becoming the go-to content for a lot of consumers. This is likely why YouTube currently ranks as the number 2 most visited website in the world [1]. People are demanding video content in just about every market. This remains true even with the housing market. Video is only expected to become increasingly important as more and more sellers learn the many benefits it can offer. In this article, we will be going over why having professional real estate videography is so important and how video marketing can help you sell your home faster and for more money.

Why Professional Videography?

If you want to position your home the best possible way in the marketplace, you need to invest in high-end marketing. Creating professional videos showcasing your property is one of the best ways to position it and differentiate it from the rest of the homes in the marketplace. If you attempted to do this on your own without professional equipment or video choreography skills, you will quickly find that it is not nearly as effective.

How Video Marketing Can Help:

1. Reach More Prospective Buyers

First and foremost, pushing videos of your property in the marketplace is one of the best ways to maximize visibility. This is the best possible way to maximize the visibility you can get your property. More and more prospective home buyers are seeking more information online. They are frequenting various homebuying websites. Research shows 42 percent of buyers went to look online for properties for sale at the beginning portion of their research process [2]. This goes to show how important it is to be positioning your home online across the board. You want as much visibility online as possible to ensure you are reaching every possible prospective homebuyer. This will get more interested leads for your property and it can end up helping you sell your home faster because of it.

2. Sell For More

Because you will have more people competing to purchase your property, it can help you drive up the price. Along with being able to add more competition to the equation, getting your property advertised through video marketing will help you better position your home in a way that allows you to drive up the price. You will be able to highlight key differentiating features in your videos in a way that you wouldn’t be able to with other media. With video, you can highlight key things in a much better way than through writing. After all, we are visual people. By showing someone something in a video, they are much more likely to take the information in.

3. Less Showing and More Warm Leads

With videos, you can take prospective buyers for a stroll through your property. By doing this, you will be effectively showcasing your property as well as possible. This means less waiting for buyers to visit your property and more warm leads. After all, no buyer is going to request a showing for a property they aren’t visually interested in. Video marketing can help you cut through the long list of ‘cold’ buyers and attract many more ‘warm’ buyers to your property.

As you can see, several benefits make video marketing integral to the home selling process in the digital age. Invest in professional videography if you want to integrate video marketing into your marketing mix as well as possible.




About Dee Martin

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